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104, 2019

Report on the operations of Education Malta Foundation for the year 2018

By | April 1st, 2019|Categories: Investors, Students|Comments Off on Report on the operations of Education Malta Foundation for the year 2018

Education Malta launched its Report on the operations for the year 2018. During this year the Foundation continued to establish full working cooperation with public operators and private educational entities accredited/licensed [...]

1503, 2019

Promotion of Malta as a centre for international education in Kiev, Ukraine

By | March 15th, 2019|Categories: Investors, Students|Comments Off on Promotion of Malta as a centre for international education in Kiev, Ukraine

Education Malta together with ITS, MCAST, St Martin’s Institute for Higher Education and Queen Mary University of London St Barth’s participated at the European Commission, Directorate General, Education and Culture, Study [...]

2502, 2019

The Launch of European Forensic Institute Malta

By | February 25th, 2019|Categories: Investors, Students|Comments Off on The Launch of European Forensic Institute Malta

The European Forensic Institute, Malta held an Open Day on 19th February 2019. Guests were introduced to the Institute and were invited to experience techniques of crime scene investigation [...]

1501, 2019

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Delegation in Malta

By | January 15th, 2019|Categories: Investors, Students|Comments Off on Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Delegation in Malta

A delegation from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK) visited Malta for meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Dr Chris Fearne. It was [...]