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Minister Evarist Bartolo meets Chinese Education Minister Chen Baosheng

2018-12-19T12:31:10+01:00 November 3rd, 2018|

Minister for Education and Employment Evarist Bartolo had a successful meeting with Chen Baosheng, the Chinese Minister for Education in Beijing. For the meeting, Minister Bartolo was accompanied by Ambassador John Aquilina.

Malta and China have agreed to renew the agreement on the mutual recognition of degrees for another five years. The Ministry for Education of China will continue to recognise the degrees and diplomas of the University of Malta, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology and the Institute for Tourism Studies. The two ministers agreed that Malta will submit new education institutions based in Malta to have their degrees and diplomas recognised in China.

Malta and China also agreed to facilitate and encourage exchange of students and to have more students travelling to Malta to follow studies in Malta. Both ministers also agreed to develop further collaboration in education as part of the excellent relations between Malta and China, committed to peace and cooperation among countries.

